
I think a hysterectomy sounds GREAT!

Same old medical problem, my period, only WORSE! The nurse practitioner put me on birth control which seemed to work for a whopping 5 days and then my symptoms came back only much much worse. I've been lucky in the sense that I've never really had cramps with my periods, that is until I started birth control. My next appointment with the nurse was scheduled for two days after my birthday, but I can't live like this anymore. I am going straight to a doctor because I'm fed up and I can't live like this! I feel more tired, more irritable, cramping and just a general YUCK. I just would like some general answers as to what is going on beside "oh it must be due to your weight." Excuse me but that isn't an acceptable answer, there are many big people in the world that don't have this problem. I understand weight can play a part, but....c'mon! I sure hope my doctor can give me some answers, keep me in your prayers