
My Bucket List

So I went to see the movie "The Bucket List" with my sister Andi when it was in the theatres a while ago and it got me to thinking....what kinds of things do I want to do or accomplish before I so to speak "kick the bucket." I guess a lot has to do with traveling and things of that nature...but I think it is a good list, so...here goes and in no particular order!

  1. Learn everything I can--already working on this by going to school, reading a ton, that sort of thing.
  2. Teach something
  3. Let the people I love know that I love them and let them love me in return
  4. See the world! This may seem like a huge undertaking both financially and time wise...but it doesn't have to be going to the actual location, I can see the world by going to museums, reading about locations and their history...etc etc etc
  5. Travel to the places I've always wanted to see (New York City at Christmas, Florida, London, Montana/Wyoming for the nature things, Austria.)
  6. See a Broadway Show in New York
  7. Loose Weight and maintain that weight


I'm a Fat Girl, what's your excuse?

So, I'm a bigger person as most of the readers of this blog know. I was looking through a catalog last night and realized I hated everything that the catalog had to offer for the bigger figure. And I say to these designers....Just because I am the size of a small tent doesn't mean I need to look like one! Also, clothes that are solid bright colors only attract attention, not pull away. Big can be beautiful, look at Queen Latifah, she is a large woman and she dresses VERY well for her size. Also, not each body type is the same, so what fits one person doesn't fit another in the same places. My friend Michelle is a larger body type, but has a smaller bust. It seems like designer think that just because you are larger than you are larger all over...this isn't the case at all. Maybe I should become a designer?!?!