It's funny how in life we can learn so much in the most unexpected ways or places. I've learned that life can change in the blink of an eye, it moves fast so we need to make the most of the time we have. We aren't always going to get what we want, but the things we do get make us better; whether they are good or bad. Sometimes people hurt you, and you have your choices on this. You can choose to let what they say or do truly affect you, or you can simply walk away. The 2nd part is the hardest, but once we learn this wonderful trait, life will be so much more simple.
You will get your heart broken at some point, you will also break someone's heart. Just remember to be as kind as possible and remember how you felt when it happened. Sometimes we aren't given choices, we just have to roll with the punches. Sometimes the choices we are given just plain suck, we need to choose the better of the two evils. Everyone needs a friend. Love doesn't come freely, everyone pays a price. Learn to notice the little things in life. Everyone should watch at least one sunset and sunrise in their lifetime. Carry a camera with you, you never know when you will want to remember something.
Dance like no one is watching. Travel to somewhere you've never been. Love like you have nothing to lose. Learn as much as possible about all the things you can. Open Up. Repeat as needed, but not particularly in this order.
Get Lost so you can find your way back. Go home, it doesn't matter if your are 15 or 95. Be generous, doesn't matter if you have everything or nothing at all. Discover your past, it can be the best part of your future, but don't dwell on it. Love your family, they did the best they knew how to do. Don't blame them for all the crap in your life. Let the people who are important in your life know it. Most importantly, love yourself, sometimes we are our harshest critics.